Friday, May 30, 2008

they been knocking me sideways.

ok great this would be the first time in 5 months since i last posted something up. only one reason for that. like an idiot i forgot my own password so had to try over and over again to sign in.
in a desperate attempt to shut down my own blog i actually tried flagging it a few times but they never shut it down. so since i finally recalled my password now i might as well post something up, right.

ok ok idiocities put aside, im finally driving now. yup the big old VOLVO we have lying around at home. its nothing much but hey, at least it moves. oh and not to mention its never dying thirst for PETROL. dang. the damn car is sucking me dry. one trip to sunway and back is like 10 bucks. what.the.fuck.

shit man. for 5 months of not blogging you would think there's plenty to write about but i could never be more wrong. my god. my blog is absolutely dead. dead i tell you. dead. deaaaaad.

and to YOU whover you are, give yourself a smack on the forehead for actually reading such a meaningless post.

on the other hand, progress of the year has not been that good. haven't even started going to uni yet. mior thinks im probably gonna have a gap year but i dont think thats going to happen. it'll be fun though if it does happen. but no, it wont. im gonna be shipped off to melaka in june. melaka man. MELAKA. haha at least its better than the first place i was going to be sent to which was....... wait for it......
haha thank god i dont actually have to go to KELANTAN since we appealed so now its MELAKA. im actually looking on the bright side here.
at least melaka does have some kind of night life there.

oh and we can definitely forget about the damned new year's resolution of getting rich since im not even working. i realised i hate working after 2 weeks of work. yeah wait till YOU start working then you know how it feels. it sucks la. not to mention how i fought with my assistant manager before walking out. haha. that was probably one of the most epic moment of the year so far. hopefully there will be more to come.

damn. i'll have to save this blog before it gets worse. no worries blog. pics and videos up soon.