
random picture just to start off the blog :)
picture was courtesy of vid on hari keusahawanan. me n charles from what women want.
i deserved this picture i guess. shouted my lungs out for him everytime he came from backstage to talk. dont be fooled though. i dont think im that dark. he just got the better lighting and that was the result of walking under the blistering hot sun for helium balloons the whole day. no fair.
that hari keusahawanan concert thing was good though. got weird glances from all the girls as i kept on screaming
"i love you charles"
"oh look at my man!"
haha. seriously. people must think im gay now. so just to confirm my sexuality....
im straight. yeah charles might be hot but im not into guys. haha.
went to the pasar malm in ss2 with razman and amir yesterday. god talk about huge pasar malams. that was huge. yeah we basically walked the whole pasar malam to as razman n me had to find leon and maula their presents for install. and the shop where we finally found their present was like the LAST store in the bloody pasar malam. it was fun though. saw a lot of nice shoes there. adidasnikereeboketc. i so have to shop for shoes there. hehe cheapskate.
lately me n razman have been very much into superstitions though. we bought four leave clovers chains in mid valley the other day. for those who dont know what a four leave clover is its that leaf thingy with the four "mini leaves" i guess. haha. yeah. i suck at describing stuff. haha. sorry. i'll post a picture of it really soon la k. they're quite interesting really four leave clovers. according to ancient beliefs, its suppose to bring good luck to you if you have one.
"According to legend, each leaflet represents something: the first is for hope, the second is for faith, the third is for love, and the fourth is for luck."
-that was what wikipedia said.
and our own conclusion was-
it didnt really bring luck but it definitely brought some changes.
i went to erin's house that day with a different hairstyle. thats a change i guess. razman said he hung it in his bedroom and he woke up a new man. that was bullshit la obviously. i didnt really get what he said but i just agreed. oh oh and the four leave clovers glow in the dark too. hehe.

also it is believed that four leave clovers can be used to kill leprechauns. yeah those small short mythical creatures u see in movies. it is known that the only 2 weapons that can kill a leprechaun is a four leave clover or iron(as in the metal not the one u use to unwrinkle your shirt). so im glad that if one day a leprechaun choses to kill me i'll have one of the weapons to kill it. haha.

there you go. a leprechaun.
the next superstition we're currently into are crystals. not really a superstition but we're kinda into it now. i didnt know each of them were actually different from each other.
they do look kinda the same.
right. enough blabbering. this shall keep you guys occupied for another couple of months.
haha no worries. i'll try to update from time to time.
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