ok. first thing i gotta say is as a human being you can't see the shit on your back but you can see other peoples'. so yea thats the big problem were all having now. being able to see the shit on other people's back, analyze it and talk bad about it. yeah so go on. talk about other people's shit like they are all at fault and you're the only innocent one. that one day shall come where you will realize that your back is just full of shit as everyone's back. so yea. enjoy doing it while you still can. and realize your mistake one day and you better hope you're not too late.
*yes this post is meant for someone. go figure.
yup yup anyways enjoying life just as it is. got better stuff to do than think about all these nonsense. played tennis with amir today. it was a great story of finding and losing balls during tennis today. but anyways we've met our toughest opponent so far. THE WALL. yes. and we shall get ourselves determined to beat it the next time (i hope). that's all for now. 

*a random picture of the highest quality. we look like a couple of idiots for a poster for a movie or something. hehe.
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